What's the Deal, why can't Christians really rock out???
Published on March 13, 2005 By halobend In Religion
Hello everybody, My name is Clint Forester, I am 26 years old and I am from Houston, Texas...though I don't have that "Texas pride" that a lot of Texans seem to have, it just happens to be where I live at the moment. This is my first blog, I am definitely not an English major or a writer, so I'll try not to sound cheesy...anyways, I am a Christian first and foremost, but I am blessed by God to be given the ability to play my guitar, sing, and write music. When I first started playing at 13, I went on a mission; I wanted to play guitar like those good ol' boys in Lynyrd Skynyrd. God gave me the discipline to stick out this painstaking instrument during the first couple of years. It was fun for me but “Hell” for my family…you know the old – crank up the little 15 watt amp with terrible distortion playing 3 or 4 half out of tune chords over and over again for 2 hours, sorry Mom and Dad. However, I am not sorry for my 3 brothers, someone told me that’s what you’re supposed to do to your little brothers…Just kidding. I grew up on “Classic Rock”, which, in my opinion, is still the best music out there. I don’t mean to offend any Gospel or Contemporary Christian music listeners out there…that is the whole point of this article. Well, this isn’t my life story so let me get to the point.

I was sitting down with a friend of mine yesterday who happens to be a drummer. He is interested in starting a project (codename for a “band”, which seems to be a 4 letter word around here) with me. We both are Christians who want to glorify the Lord in our music. Now, I don’t mean We will be writing praise music, I write music about being a Christian and the aspects of God’s creations and attributes. As we were talking we thought about how there’s hardly any Christian bands that really rock, some of the bands like “Third day” and “DC Talk” have there moments, but overall it still has that cookie cutter praise music sound, again these are my opinions and some of my Christian friends opinions as well. I love the music of bands like “Rage against the machine”, “Stone temple pilots”, “311”, and yes “Tool”. Now most people would agree that most of this music and band bands like them have the psychology; “do what you want”, “Live the life you want”. But the music, the melody have powerful emotions and feelings in them. Emotions like anger, lust, pride, greed, though not all of the time but Peace and Love. Let’s be honest with ourselves…as Christians…as human beings, we have these feelings. Let that sink in a bit…O.K. Rock and roll has all of these images written all over it. When I listen to Rock and roll, I don’t sit there and think to myself “Oh, I hope this song is about Greed, I would enjoy that” or “I’m glad this song makes me depressed, I love it when they tell me I’m worthless and so is my life”. I listen to it and the emotions and feelings it pulls out of me, and if I identify with it and it souds good and matches the emotions from the melody, I will more than likely enjoy it. Consciously or unconsciously that’s the way music works…I think…I don’t know never mind but my point is is that I have those emotions and feelings at times and the melodies reflect what I feeling, but I don’t glorify those feelings, I try to expose them for what they are (Sin) and how they should be dealt with, or how I deal with them (hopefully biblically)…anybody know what I mean?
I don’t think that this is a wrong way to write Christian music without stepping out of line with Christ. Oh, if someone knows of any Christian bands out there that REALLY ROCK, let me know. And let me know what you think of this article and your opinions as well.

Peace Brethren

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 13, 2005
I don't think you've relly looked into this.

Skillet - really early Skillet is VERY rocky - almost metal.

Five Iron Frenzy is an awesome ska band - Brave Saint Saturn is another great band fronted by the guy from FIF

Audio Adrenaline - Bloom, Some Kind of Zombie

Templegate is a Christian metal band that disbanded years ago but they were around

DC Talk & Third Day aren't the only ones.

theres Tait, Toby Mac and K-max from DC Talk but gone solo

Relient K, Ten Shekle Shirt

Mate you name the genre and there's a GREAT Christian band.

POD - they're Christian - they've gone secular with Youth of the Nation and Alive but they're Christian

Check out the local Christiand bookstore - and if yours doesn't have much check the next town over SERIOUSLY there are some really hard rockers out there.

Welcome to JU I'm trina - from Australia.
on Mar 13, 2005
All Star United
Thousand Foot Crutch
The Lads
Paul Colman Trio (PC3)
Nagasaki (now Coma)
Tree 63
OC Supertones
the W's
Alabaster Box
Burlap to Cashmere
Jars of Clay

And that's just some of the ones in my collection - there are 100's more

on Mar 13, 2005
Trina, thank you very much for for your reply!!! I have heard just about all of them but to me they still have that pop-rock/metal sound to them. Again all of this is personal opionions you know but for the most part they don't do it for me. I've seen POD and I went back stage to talk to them about their faith and how it influences their music but the lead singer said that they are Christians but didn't want to be categorized that way and just changed the subject, which was a little disappointing to me but oh well. Thank you again for your response and welcome.

God bless
on Mar 14, 2005
I agree with you. While I like some of the bands that trina mentioned, not a single one even comes close to the greatness of Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, or Jimi Hendrix, to name a few of my favorites.
on Mar 14, 2005
don't limit your subject matter

writing about secular things doesn't make you a secularist
on Mar 14, 2005
I agree, but Christianity is my favorite subject...so naturally I enjoy discussing it. This is my first article, so there is a chance for secular talk, though honestly I doubt it...lol, who knows.

Thank you nmrhth for your comments, and I agree...Thats what I want to try and do with this next project.

Thank you Myrrander for your comments as well---

on Mar 14, 2005
Good Blog topic! I love Christian rock music and ska! It's so awesome. But I have my friends Brandon, Alex, and Sarah to thank for that. Before I met them I listened to people such as 50cent and crapy stuff like that. But I'm glad I listen to christian rock now. I love it to death. I'd have to say that my favorite is Relient K. They're so awesome.

on Mar 14, 2005
Oh yeah, another thing Halobend. You might want to watch when you post things about christianity. Just a heads up if you post the wrong kind of thing.....well lets just say the Joeuser community might rant at you. So just a heads up from my expirience!

on Mar 15, 2005
Thank you carebear07 for the advice...they can rant all they want this is my blog site and they have theirs. I expect that to happen anyways, but thanks for the heads up.

on Mar 16, 2005
Yeah no problem. I figured I'd do that just incase you weren't already expecting it.

on Mar 19, 2005
Welcome to JU! Hang around here a while and you'll get the feel of the place. I still gettin the hang of it all too. I've never heard any of the "projects" that trina_p mentioned. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do huh!
Looking forward to the next blog.

on Mar 25, 2005
Keep in mind that music is meant to edify the believer, singing about lust and such can be done, in it's proper place. When done showing that it is bad and that God can see people through something like that.
on Apr 30, 2005

Check out Sleeby.com, or some links on my personal site www.angelfire.com/electronic2/aaroncavanaugh2

Thanks. God Bless.

on Nov 28, 2005
You make some very good points. I wish somebody out there as talented and musically tight as Tool would make some kickin music that a follower of christ would have no qualms about. Chevelle I hear are christians and all my non christian friends love there music, they really rock! Also check out Stavesacre. I dont what they've done lately, but they have a couple albums that are pretty well made, insightful, and spiritual, and emotional. They sound like they really struggle thru life like real people who want to honor God. P.O.D's first few albums are awesome, though not declared christians or christian artists, they are beleivers who make music about life. Its cool to have christians in a band, not just christian bands. Good luck and God bless.
on Nov 28, 2005
Halobend, I'm always happy to welcome another musician to JU!

Being from the "classic rock" school myself, my experience with Christian Rock goes back to White Heart, Petra, Stryper and a little known ban---er, I mean "Project" called "First Born" that an Army buddy of mine played bass for. Oh yeah, and Amy Grant... the pre Mickey Gilley years. ;~D

These ranged from pop to so head-bangable they toured with Motley Crue. If you haven't heard of them, I'd highly recommend any (ok, for Amy Grant, forget the "highly" ;~D).

As far as any advice for the music writer... write what you live, live what you play and never forget who it is you play for!
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